About Orchard Home Design
When we opened our doors in 1986 it was with an idea in mind: every project, no matter how grand or modest, deserves a good design and competent set f plans. On this foundation we developed a system to create designs and construction documents focused on these ideals.
Originally founded under the name Cornerstone Limited, we incorporated under the name Remodeling Design Professionals, but continued to conduct business under the Cornerstone Limited banner. In 2014 after much deliberation, we have become Orchard Home Design. As before, we continue to move forward, creating client centered designs and plans…
At Orchard Home Design, we create all our designs in real-time with our clients. We must place our client’s needs and wants at the heart of the design process. As our client, your participation in the design process ensures that your project includes those considerations that you find important. Without your critical input, the project wouldn’t be as successful.
By their very nature, construction plans create the basis of a joint agreement between many participants in the building process: the client, contractors, building departments, and consultants, to name a few. The more straightforward more case the plans are, the easier it is to create a good understanding between all participants. With all parties on the same page, it is much easier for them to act as team members for the client’s benefit. With this joint agreement, projects are completed more easily, quickly, and cost-effectively.
Each day as we work on designs and plans, we employ three primary concepts:
Craftsmanship means that our plans and designs must be clear, high quality and elegant. The concept of elegance is applied both in the sense of style, and also in the sense of having no superfluous elements.
Stewardship means making certain we are utilizing your resources wisely. For example we may spend a little extra time making sure that a design is modular, so material waste is minimized. Or we may pause the project to get initial bids from contractors to make sure the project is inline with your budget. We will cover that topic in future articles.
Advocacy means it is our priority to guide you in the design process, understand your needs and desires, and work to demonstrate what alternatives are available to you.
Having a father who is a designer means I was introduced to drafting at a pretty young age. I can still recall my first lesson; I was 8, and he showed me how to draft a 3 view schematic of a camcorder battery. My very first computer had a copy of AutoCAD R10 on it, and I had plenty of things I wanted to draw.
Two years latter I was invited to participate in an individual studies program that allowed me to explore all kinds of different mediums. I began working part time with my Dad in the summer after my sophomore year, and while I’ve explored a few other areas, I always seem to come home. I have grown a lot as a drafter and a designer since that time, and as always looked to different mediums to improve or service.
Being able to bring good space planning, tight design and a smart structure together with sensible and useful green measures can make an otherwise boring remodel into a profoundly positive change for the home owner. That’s why I do what I do.

Every project, however grand or modest, deserves to have a competent design and good plan documents.
BIG Certified Green Building Designer
San Jose Beautiful Award
San Jose Symphony Showcase